A young teenage girl invited 2 other girls, a mutual male friend, and a 21-year-old African migrant man she had met before from Liberia named, Richelieu Jarara, who also brought along another African migrant man from Kenya named Fayed Mwangi, to meet at an apartment to attend a party.
The migrants quickly started sexually harassing and intimidating the woman. Matters quickly turned ugly when the girls attempted to escape the migrants using pepper spray. Instead of leaving the girls alone and leaving, the migrants started brutally attacking their young Swedish, male friend until they believed him to be dead, upon which recorded a video gleefully laughing and showing off what they thought to be the body of the latest man they’d killed. The young Swedish man was in fact not dead but thrown into a coma and incurred permanent debilitating brain damage.
Mwangi and Jarara then proceeded to brutally attack and rape the 3 teenage girls.
“Jarara’s younger companion, 19-year-old Mwangi, is said to have “strangled” one of the girls when she tried to intervene, slamming her into a wall and “hurling” her to the floor. The Kenyan then grabbed another of the girls by the hair, dragged her into the bedroom and raped her. She was also strangled, with the Kenyan threatening to strike her if she screamed. The ordeal was finally brought to an end when a neighbour burst into the apartment, allowing the girls to flee.”
This would be sickening enough ordeal as it was, but the Liberal Swedish justice is refusing to make these two young men pay for their crime against these Swedish citizens and all humankind. Instead, they are letting the African migrants off the hook and allowed right back into civilized society.
“According to the Fria Tider, the court sentenced Mwangi to just two-and-a-half years for his crimes, despite his having raped another woman in May 2016. The government will attempt to deport him afterwards – although he will be allowed to return to the country after ten years, and judges have prevented other European countries, such as the United Kingdom, from following through on deporting criminal migrants after their sentences in the past. Jarara, who has a string of previous convictions for crimes including theft, serious bodily injury, and resisting arrest, was given a slightly longer sentence – three years – but he will not be deported.”
It should not be politically incorrect to ban serial rapist from migrating to the U.S or any other country. How deranged has the world gotten to leave politicians, the judicial system and rationale citizens at a crossroads where desiring to protect young women and children from being brutally raped is a contested course of action. That is rhetorical. The answer is obvious. You don’t. You don’t allow them into your country. You denounce them for the heinous, animal like pigs they are, and most importantly, you do not under any circumstances let them back into your country.
Source: Breitbart
this is why I have a special word reserved for these kinds of bastards and one them is sitting next to me at the library spewing his vitriol. I moved my seat across the room.
.44 mag to the brain
Kill em
Kill all rapist, no matter where they are from.
Animals !!!