The war of religion versus politics continues to rage in several parts of the country, where the recently passed law regarding same-sex marriage is forcing many to go against their religious beliefs. The latest issue to surface in this matter comes not from a conservative, but from a county clerk in Kentucky who identifies herself as a democrat. Her refusal to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples has landed her in jail for contempt.
Sitting in jail, adamant, she fights back…
Read more on the NEXT PAGE.
This whole thing has been blown out of proportion by politics. Should she be able to chose not to do her job. YES! However, if my boss says that I now have to clean the toilets as part of my duties and I refuse. I should be fired. If in this case, she can not be fired. She should resign her position. No jail time, no tax payers money being wasted, no upset people on either side. She is unwilling to perform her job duties. I do commend her for sticking to her beliefs, I wish more people would do that.
It only matters to her what God thinks, not what you think.
All Judges have the authority to marry people, but it is not their job — it is at their discretion.
While the gay judge sits on the bench refusing to marry straight couples?
Kim Davis has only one law to go by and that is the “state” law that says that she is the officer in charge and no one else in the county can issue marriage licenses without her say-so. The supreme court ruling is to “her” only a comment on the news pages, until the state changes “it’s” laws!
So – she is a “political correctness prisoner”!!!
The supreme court cannot “make” laws!
Jane Coffey, you don’t make sense! She doesn’t “have” to step down! The supreme court cannot “make” laws! The state of Kentucky does not have a law covering this!
Reposted From: Apostolic Advocate 10 Reasons Why We Support #KimDavis #imwithkim
1. Gay marriage is a not a law. The Supreme Court doesn’t have the jurisdiction to write laws, they only review them.
2. Kentucky law still states Marriage is between a man and a woman. Their session is not even until January to REVIEW what the Supreme Court did. They can still vote against it. (77% already did). So it’s actually still illegal to hand out Gay marriage licenses in KY.
3. She is not a “bigot”: a person who is intolerant toward those holding different “opinions”… Keyword, these are not her opinion but God’s. – Leviticus 18:22
4. She is biblically and “naturally” correct. – Romans 1:26 – 1:28, Mark 10:6-9
5. She even if she was “breaking the law”…“We ought to obey God rather than men.” – Acts 5:29
6. She is imprisoned WITHOUT bail. The following Serial Killers had bail: Jeffery Dahmer, The Boston Strangler, John Wanye Casey…
7. Jesus calls Kim blessed. “Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake:” – Matt. 5:10
8. Jesus would still support Kim because He knew we would be hated as His followers. “Then you will be arrested, persecuted, and killed. You will be hated all over the world because you are my followers. – Matt. 24:9
8. We are one body, and she’s a member, our sister who needs our support! “Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.” – Gal. 6:2
9. Religious freedom is not exempted from certain government job positions. The first amendment states: prohibits the making of any law…impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech.”
10. We too can’t be silent. As Jesus commanded, we must go and be “Teaching them to observe ALL things whatsoever I have commanded you.” – Matt 28:20 // #Wewillnotbow #beapostolic #apostolic #apostolicadvocate #upci #aljc #wpf #aafcj #apostolic$#%&!@*embly #pentecostal #apostolicpentecostal #Acts238
Who does she think she is- Obama?!
It a darn shame she’s “still” in jail but she’s got her beliefs and that she’s sticking to them. You’ve got to stand for something or you’ll fall for anything!!!