The war of religion versus politics continues to rage in several parts of the country, where the recently passed law regarding same-sex marriage is forcing many to go against their religious beliefs. The latest issue to surface in this matter comes not from a conservative, but from a county clerk in Kentucky who identifies herself as a democrat. Her refusal to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples has landed her in jail for contempt.
Sitting in jail, adamant, she fights back…
Read more on the NEXT PAGE.
You CAN’T lose with Cruz !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well if that we’re true, then maybe she wouldn’t have had children out of wedlock, committed adultery or been married multiple times. The church says divorce is a sin. Amazing how God’s laws only seems apply to other people.
She gets a free p$#%&!@* from religious nuts because she found god. The fact that she’s a terrible person, no longer matters, in their eyes.
Let her rot! Either do your job or find another one! Issue solved!
“I myself have genuinely held religious beliefs,” the judge said, but “I took an oath.” This “judge” talks out of both sides of his mouth. He claims to have “held religious beliefs, but I took an oath”? He obviously hasn’t actually held any religious beliefs in reality, otherwise his “oath” would NOT have held a “higher value” to him. Poor guy doesn’t know how ignorant his statement made him appear.
Man’s laws are a joke
“The judge later stated that allowing an individual’s beliefs to supersede the court’s authority would set a dangerous precedent. Isn’t that how all of this got started? After all, same-sex marriage was originally shot down by a majority of states before the Supreme Court took it upon themselves to ignore it.”
“The judge later stated that allowing an individual’s beliefs to supersede the court’s authority would set a dangerous precedent. Isn’t that how all of this got started? After all, same-sex marriage was originally shot down by a majority of states before the Supreme Court took it upon themselves to ignore it.” What “authority”? What part of “Congress shall make NO LAW respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof” does he have difficulty understanding?
So which amendment is clearly specific that marriage is a right or a freedom?
maybe that is a sign that no one wants to stay married to her…there is a reason why she is a divorced mother , no one can live with her