Hollywood actors can’t stand Mike Pence. Out of hatred from his good name, Hollywood scumbag, actor Michael Rapaport, went off on a foul mouth rant tearing apart the Vice President in a scathing video uploaded to Twitter.
Out of all the horrific things, one can say about our Vice President, or any elected official for that matter, Rapaport’s takes the win.
In a true reflection of Hollywood values, actor Michael Rapaport focuses first on nothing of substance, and rebukes the Vice President for having too thin of lips, and imagines what he would look like orally servicing his genitalia.
The morals or lack thereof put forth in his rant will be the new gospel if liberalism manages to take a permanent hold in America.
The left that thinks President Trump too crude, Vice President Mike Pence too devoted to his family, praises this man as being “a truth speaker”.
Really? That is what the left considers to be the (contradictory) truth? Continue to the next page to view this vicious attack against the name of our Vice President Mike Pence for yourself. This is important because it signifies what the left wishes us to believe regarding family values.
WARNING video contains adult language and is not suitable for all ages.
Head on over to the next page
Oh wow Rapaport thinks he’s an actor. Lol
He is hung up his self like the rest of the Hollywood scum bags.
I hate that word and it is used by liberals all the time! Low class people
Why does facebook give this washed. Up actor any coverage he’s an$#%&!@*of assholes
No wonder you are a B actor. With a vile, foul mouth like you have, you are lucky to even be in the business. You are definitely NOT a role model.
He’s a washed up actor!
I will say only that ignorant self centered fools just cannot quit cuss correctly. As for his chosen noun, Tis nothing more than a verb. Twice over a double fool.
Good Lord, these a$$clowns are coming out of the woodwork like cockroaches!
Isn’t it amazing how evil is threatened by good…. You think the spawns of satan are so happy with the ,nasty little lifestyles they have but let THEM come up against a Christian and it’s like throwing holy water on Dracula 🙂