The most valuable naval assets the US deploys are its aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines. Unlike the subs which remain hidden, our ten aircraft carriers remain in full view. For anyone who has ever see one in person, the things are just overwhelming. They cost billions and take years to construct. The loss of a single aircraft carrier, let alone several, would be catastrophic.
They remain a primary method by which the US projects power around the globe. Accompanied by cruisers and destroyers (and probably a submarine), a carrier task force is formidable indeed.
Typically we see our carriers, or at least some of them, deployed around the world, frequently in the Middle East. For a brief period of time right now, that’s not the case. More on page two.
Travis Tomaszkiewicz, that carrier which is late, was stalled. This is a set up. WE NEVER DO THIS.
I shall buy the snacks, if you buy the drinks. Lol
Navy Captains and Admirals are not Fools
Rich Ellison, we have let our Milatary go to the dogs. We are in no shape right now.
Proof is why are so many ships needing work all at once.
Darlene HayDay you do not think they all ready know? Before we did, I would bet.
Is this Obama last gift to our enemies?
this is a set up you dont make the same mistake twice
Lack of funding which is Congress and Obumass , they should have built at least six more Carriers by now.
This is so stupid . Or a Set up !