What better way to crush a beautiful summer day than to breaking into homes, wrenching children from their parents’ loving and protective arms, slapping them into cruel steel manacles to send them off to the four corners of the world, forever separated from their parents and siblings, or perhaps, throw them headlong into a tiny, dank prison cell never to allow them to see the light of day again.
That’s what the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) wants us to believe the Trump administration is ordering Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents to do.
They are in a new period of their career; one that has demanded that they now look and act exactly like the Jackass Party in their attempts to make the GOP look like a bunch of racist, xenophobic white men bent on the subjugation of everything of color.
Read on the following page how the ACLU has now joined the chorus of Leftists who are warning about the inhumanity of the Trump administration!
expel the top tiers, fracture the group at every level, and ban them from communication with other members for acts of political subversion and anti-American activities.
Does that guy look like a child?
B******t. Plain and simple
Love it
Tuff s**t
Simple solution to this problem, arrest the parents and deport them to for not properly supervision their kids.
Goodbye chump
ACLU is a phony organization! The only thing they have ever done is protect murderers, rapists, criminals of all sort & scream police brutality when some thug gets caught breaking the law! Swamp rats!