The ACLU has it out for Catholic Hospitals who won’t go against their Biblical beliefs and perform abortions. One of the largest Catholic health care group, Trinity Health Corporation, has been named in a lawsuit for not doing abortions.
ACLU says that these hospitals are putting women at risk for not killing their babies. Read more on page 2.
next? They’ll sue because they won’t perform clitorectomys
Go to a county hospital. OR DON”T GET PREGNANT!
It seems the Catholics give and give then when they protect their religions beliefs here comes the haters of Religion.
Ummm what if she was a victim of rape and doesn’t want a reminder of when she got raped
Time to send the ACLU to ISIS !
Forcing religions now to your agenda?
Im not catholic, but I am a Christian (and yes there is a difference) But if someone does not like it that they do not give abortions, we have millions of liberal clinics and hospitals killing our precious unborn by the groves,,,so GO TO ANOTHER HOSPITAL LIBERAL JERKS
There are many other facilities to go to ………..but,………..say no to abortions!
Time to counter sue!
Don’t keep laying down and having sex without protection so you don’t have to live with murder on your heart…how about not have a baby till you can afford one and take care of it and love it