The ACLU has it out for Catholic Hospitals who won’t go against their Biblical beliefs and perform abortions. One of the largest Catholic health care group, Trinity Health Corporation, has been named in a lawsuit for not doing abortions.
ACLU says that these hospitals are putting women at risk for not killing their babies. Read more on page 2.
These people are nuts!
Why don’t they sue the Muslims for praying in schools raping kids,etc.
This is what the same sex marriage ruling was really about. Usurping religious rights. Not everyone’s. Only certain ones. And there is the problem.
I too think catholic hospitals should make exceptions on abortions. They should be conducted only on ACLU members over the age of 21. Wait that would be an execution. Oh what the heck, do it anyway.
Why? There are secular hospitals that provide abortions? The ACLU would sue the sun if it was a minute late in rising!
They shouldn’t have to
How about making the ACLU a terrorist organization because that’s what they are preaching.
Doesn’t the Catholic churches have good lawyers to combat these satanists. Surely there has to be a Congressional lawyer or a constitutional lawyer that can defeat this insanity…