The ACLU has it out for Catholic Hospitals who won’t go against their Biblical beliefs and perform abortions. One of the largest Catholic health care group, Trinity Health Corporation, has been named in a lawsuit for not doing abortions.
ACLU says that these hospitals are putting women at risk for not killing their babies. Read more on page 2.
the aclu, blam,cair all need to back off..hopefully next president will get rid of these useless hate organizations. Go Trump.
Well as Christians we can become lukewarm in our relationship with the Lord. But in Revelation the lukewarm the Lord is a specific “church” at a specific time in eternity history. If you are taught that it is used as individuals, one could think what you are saying. But pray while you read this Juanita. God will reveal the truth to you. Our Lord so wants us to be filled with knowledge and be set free with His truth. Thanks for the scriptures :). I am studying end times with prophecy watchers tv. They often refer to Revelations. Many things we simply can not know until we are with our Lord. But having peace about our walk and this amazing journey and the relationship with Jesus and knowing “we are kept by Him and through Him is an absolute he wants us to know and understand”. God bless you Juanita. May our sweet Lord help you find your answers.:)
Not just catholics but christians more than anything
Does any body Know what ACLU stands for?
To what end? See below!
Helen Dorothy Chapman 🙁 true, so much loss of innocent life
Timothy John Brown, Timothy, Christians are not Protestant and they are certainly not Catholic. Millions of Christians were put to death during the dark ages by Catholics for not converting. There is an excellent book called Trail of Tears that tells a lot about the time of the dark ages. Was such a terrible time in history, the holocaust of Christians.