The ACLU has it out for Catholic Hospitals who won’t go against their Biblical beliefs and perform abortions. One of the largest Catholic health care group, Trinity Health Corporation, has been named in a lawsuit for not doing abortions.
ACLU says that these hospitals are putting women at risk for not killing their babies. Read more on page 2.
Juanita Arnold I answer carefully since this is very important question. The way I know I am saved is that the bible tells me I am saved by grace and not of my own works (lest any man should boast). The way the Lord settled my heart was through His words. I came to Jesus just as I was, lost and needing to be saved. I heard what Jesus did for me (faith comes by hearing and Hearing by the Word of God). I heard and God sent me a realization that I must be saved and that it could only be through Jesus His Son. Jesus died and “took our sins”. At the time a Christian is saved, they are no longer in$#%&!@*to sin. We will still live in this body of flesh and this flesh will sin until we die. But, we are forgiven and no longer desire or want to sin. Nevertheless we do. Yet the Lord said “I give unto you eternal life and no man can take it from you”. It is a gift from God. We could never live our lives without sin, but Jesus did and since he is perfect, we are “made” (will be in heaven) perfect in Him. Christians are not judged for sin when they stand before Jesus. We will be judged for the kind of steward we are for Him. It matters not that some disagree. The Lord settled my heart many years ago that I am saved by the grace of God and that can not be changed. Thank God I have a God that is perfect and never goes back on His Word. It is the most peaceful and wonderful knowledge in the world to know that I am the Lords and He is mine and I will forever be with Him. Juanita, I hope and pray this makes sense to you. I truly tried to choose my words carefully. We can know that we are saved and not be worried constantly of loosing our salvation. It is not possible. No one on this earth could ever tell me other wise. God bless you…
I agree with most that you said Doug, but I don’t think that works means the same. Works to me is helping the church and my fellow man or woman. If we know that we have done wrong, why feel guilty over something, when a person can pray about it, and hand it over to God. I just think we each look at works differently, which is perfectly fine. I know I am saved by grace of God. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. I just have a different take about sin. I hope this makes sense to you. I do believe that we can lose God because he talks about being luke warm. I have to look up the verse for it, but God says many think that they will go to heaven, but he will spew them out of his mouth. Today, we call them fence sitters. I just don’t want to be a fence sitter. Everything is forgivable except for one exception.
Look up Rev. 3:16 and if you have Matthew Henry’s Consise Commentary 3:14-22
murdering losers, sue the ACLU and shove it down their throats.
sue the ACLU, hove it down their throats, losers, cry babies.
Can you believe it?
where are you Catholics as many Catholics as there are why arent all of them speaking out
If a woman wants an abortion, she does’t need to go to a Catholic hospital. There are plenty of other places that will perform them.When a woman goes to a Catholic hospital,what she is really sayingis I need help to save my baby !
No no no abortions.
ACLU is just like everybody else always looking for a free ride