The ACLU has it out for Catholic Hospitals who won’t go against their Biblical beliefs and perform abortions. One of the largest Catholic health care group, Trinity Health Corporation, has been named in a lawsuit for not doing abortions.
ACLU says that these hospitals are putting women at risk for not killing their babies. Read more on page 2.
Sickening !!!!!!!!!
ACLU = dumb
ACLU needs to be aborted!!
This is attack on our right of freedom of religions and freedom of speech. Fight back and gather the fold to defend these rights.
Murder is a crime, not a right or “liberty”.
Babies have a right to live
Good luck with that…
More stupidity. Of course they don’t believe in murder and neither do I and neither do millions of Americans.
I’d tell the ACLU to go to hell, but they’re headed there anyway.