Tendering her resignation, an African -American woman who led a state chapter of the ACLU, experienced first hand exactly why the transgender bathroom bill is not safe for children. The ACLU has been a strident voice pressing for transgender legislation, yet a real life situation, involving Maya Dillard Smiths’ children, has opened her eyes to “hierarchy of rights” within the ACLU, which puts her girls at risk.
Maya watched her elementary-aged children shake with fear, when three, tall, transgender men, entered the woman’s restroom. She said she was “ill-prepared to answer” their questions and their concerns for their own safety.
Maya Dillard Smith was the interim director of the American Civil Liberties Union, Georgian chapter. She describes herself as a progressive and says she is “unapologetically black”. She is a graduate of the Emerge America program which lists as its goal: “To increase the number of Democratic women in public office”. She worked on the California Supreme Court and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals while earning her master’s degree from Harvard.
She is a feminine force to be reconned with but one whose maternal instincts kicked in, altering her view of the transgender bathroom laws.
Read the rest of the story on page 2.
Good! Hope they’re scarred for life.
i see that people like to throw around myopic like their eye surgeons fortunately i dont have to answer to god on judgement day for that and my eyesight is fine its 22 left 23 right and if your implying im stupid you should try passing the 5 year electricians certification
besides im well aware of how people are i grew up in dallas and have lived around ignorance my whole life so no not naive at all. bad people are bad no matter what so lock your kids up and shelter them their whole life and teach them to trust no one. you cant go around blaming one specific group of persons for things going wrong
i love it when simple minded people think that those not exactly like them attack other groups and religions even if their ignorant to them and cast hate and blame. grow up and if you are still in the 3rd grade then i hope your parents teach you better
Our President is a big jerk
Well of course there going to be scared you stupid liberals!
I hope she learned something.
Eyes opening
It is this simple if a so called transgender attempts to touch or attack the female members of my while they are in the bathroom, he will be talking with a high voice for the rest of his life.