In the mind of this rapist, he is the victim. Fathi Dridi, an illegal immigrant from Tunisian, was found guilty of a sexual assault, four rapes, one attempted rape, yet his excuse was “cultural differences”. who is culturally out of step with morality, the rapist or the victim?
Muslim immigrant men are the ones culturally out of step with morality, not the victims of their sexual assaults.
When a civilization steeps its people in the ideology that women are worthless, are viewed as property and therefore whatever a man chooses to do to her is within the bounds of cultural conduct, then crimes like rape are not viewed as evil, but rather an acceptable practice, writes Truth and Action.
The Swindon Crown Court of Britain sentenced Dridi to 16 years and will be deported after his prison term.
Read more on the next page regarding the rape culture that has infected the Muslim immigrant mind.
Stinking Muslim POS.
When in Rome do as the Romans. Your archaic laws and rules don’t apply here. If you don’t like it. GO HOME!
Here is the difference your not in your culture anymore go back to Isbeckastan or Rattastan where ever you came from, You don’t like our laws we don’t like you here!
they won’t stop or change. just yesterday someone posted a meeting at a school board where rag headed muslims ‘demanded’ that a special holiday be given to the muslim offspring. they were given permission to keep the offspring home with out penalty, but they wanted the school closed. then one speaker said,’ we are the minority but will become the majority.’ the threat was made. and the cult followers are still in the country.
bullet in head will cure this
Cut him into little pieces starting with the offensive member !!!
Cut it off, on a beach, in an orange jumpsuit !
Send him home in a box.
If Muslim men have no control of their sexual urges then they should be castrated at birth. Problem solved.