It has to be about the most horrible perversion of the medical professions imaginable. The gruesome procedures doctors performed centuries ago were at least done out of ignorance. This is deliberate which makes it far worse.
The perversion we are referring to is abortion. In the ultimate irony we have one health center with doctors killing healthy babies right before they are born and calling it abortion, while down the street doctors are struggling to save the life of a baby born with a potentially deadly health condition. If that isn’t the definition of a society gone nuts, what is?
Now we got a look into this awful practice, and it’s shocking.
More on page two.
Murdering devils!
You probably need to go in and change your settings to block them on whatever browser your using. Sometimes it seems they change on their own.
We already know the story, so it dosent matter pops up or not the truth is out and it us disgusting
I’ll try
That special place in hell is waiting
Today’s Liberalism and Progressivism are Cowardice, lazy and entitled mentalities devouring the world.
LIBERALISM is America’s #1 Enemy! They are the only ones who are laying down with their legs spread wide open along with the door to America, inviting Islam and Anti-American element in.
If you don’t destroy the sick Liberal cancer devouring America you might as well hand your kids and grandchildren over to Islam!
Fight back now or be devoured!
I know who sees