Way back in 2009, we were told that we would all be dead. I for one am not.
ABC News ran a special called Earth 2100 prognosticating the dangers of climate change and what would happen in 2015. Apparently severe, cold weather and a drop in agriculture, would result in what Heidi Cullen, of the Weather Channel, said would be “a billion people malnourished”.
It is rather ridiculous in hindsight, but the climate change crazies are still at it today.
Read more on page two:
the left thinks that if you keep telling the same lie long enough………it’ll be true
Well I’m still here
Red Moon is coming..
Liberals and there BS,,,,,,
this year isn’t over yet…
Okay but that doesn’t mean we don’t try to utilize this crazy free energy called the sun and take care of what we have.
ABC, on top of it again….
When I was a kid cbs predicted an ice age
yeah, well ABC seldom gets it right, do they? Just another inept network in the liberal media
2015 is not over !