Watch below as Matthew Dowd suggests an Arizona bill passed on Thursday is akin to Islamic extremism.
The bill protects the rights of business owners to choose not to serve customers and critics of the legislation claim some businesses will deny service to gays and lesbians, depending on the owners’ religious beliefs.
This is one of those problems when people use religion as a way to, sort of, enforce discriminatory practices. People used religion back in the 1860s — when they used religion to defend slavery. We’ve used religion to go to war. People have criticized Islam because they use religion to fight people and kill people. This is the problem with that.
But Dowd feels that Arizona Governor Jan Brewer will veto the bill because he says, “There is no way this can survive.”
According to, on Saturday Gov. Brewer said, “I need to explore it…I’ve got plenty of time.” This bill has caused concern for the Arizona economy, stemming from the fact that the Super Bowl is scheduled to be held in Arizona next year and boycotts could be possible if the bill passes. To that, Gov. Brewer said, “I think you should address that issue to the Super Bowl.”
Source: Truthrevolt
Photo: Screencapture from Youtube
TBH if you think this country was founded as a “Christian” nation then you are kidding yourself. George Washington wasn’t a christian. And if you think that we should defend a certain religion because a major percent of the colonists believed in that said religion, then you are in the wrong country.
Also Truth and Action, please post about politics, not religion. If you continue this menial garbage then you will be unliked and hidden from my feed. I am sure you don’t care about my opinion alone, but I feel I speak for many who watch your posts. Stick to politics or get the shaft.
Ever hear of the 1st Amendment???? The AZ law REINFORCES the 1st. Clearly Matthew Dowd… is stupid.
Apparently you’ve heard of it but don’t really understand it. It does not give religion a blank check to discriminate.
thank God for people like you, you have to be amti-american.and all AMERICA should know. God Bless America.
How stupid are these people……….. really ?????
Liberals seem to get dumber every day!
Maybe we need to start “forcing” Muslims to butcher and eat pork! I’m offended that a Muslim won’t eat bacon! That’s racist!!
Shut down MSNBC there people are wrong, rude and liars!!!
First, shut down FauxNews. It’s far worse.
Yet the muslims get to do what they want. Shut up and throw all these people in jail along with the muslims
fu– that bitch !!!!