Toward the end of last week, the American Constitution Society held its annual convention in Washington, D.C. The progressive liberal organization’s confab quickly degenerated into rampant paranoia about a Trump administration and how those inside and outside government can undermine it.
Most ideas focused on how to further the spread of the “deep state” within the federal bureaucracy to build resistance and block President Donald Trump’s agenda.
Clearly the group’s name means nothing because members kept raising ideas about how best to undermine the results of a constitutional federal election in 2016. The range of ideas put forth ranged from outright hysteria to virtual sedition.
Learn more about the liberal tantrums thrown at the meeting on the next page.
Renee Luckey sorry your boss doesn’t care about your health or well being but hey let’s get that man a tax cut lmfao
Every morning I open up Facebook. I’m looking for postings that are educational, amusing, entertaining, enlightening, inspiring –recipes -grandchildren-funny animals, perhaps even intelligent discussion; what I get are more pointless, vile, mean spirited, self righteous, misinformed and vicious attacks on our president, AND on his family and children. The posts are inspired by nothing more then the hate filled bile left over from a lost election, and a sense of violated entitlement. The posts are a direct insult to me, as I worked for, and voted for President Trump; and as did millions of other Americans. I plan to work even harder for his re-election in 2020. The posts do nothing but drive our country further apart and encourage the street thugs and terrorists who are driving us to the point of real civil violence –with these posts you make yourself equally culpable for what is to come. It will not be pretty because I and MANY others will not stand idly by and see the constitutionally elected President railroaded due to foaming at the mouth party-ism. You make yourself the very things that the founders warned us against. You need to look up two words: Sedition and Treason. -you also need to pray that no harm comes to the President and his family.
F**e story