Picture this: You’re home on your couch, playing the latest Xbox sensation or catching up on Netflix originals when a knock comes on the door. Answering the door, you find two police officers there with clipboards requesting to enter your domicile. When you ask them for their badges, they oblige. They really are the police! “What’s this all about?” you ask in growing suspicion. The inform you that they are Homeless Migrant Placement Officers and they have been sent by the town to inspect your home to determine if it is appropriate for Homeless Muslims from Syria.
“But I live here,” you protest in confusion. They assure you that you won’t be losing a home, but gaining a roommate.
Germans in both Hamburg and Berlin (and perhaps other cities around that nation) are wondering if this scenario will be next for them. Recently, the question was posed that if people’s apartments were too large, would the town or city officials step in to force those people to live with roommates who are Muslim immigrants.
The reason why this question has arisen is because there appears to be a severe housing shortage and the immigrant’s encampments are overrun. It’s estimated that in Hamburg alone, the migrant camp is overpopulated by more than 400 people. The root of this problem has been exacerbated by the fact that Chancellor Angela Merkel has authorized and encouraged, as early as 2015, a mass influx of 2M migrants from Middle Eastern, African, and Asian countries. The problems that have accompanied this influx actually have their origin in a pre-migrant period. Hamburg noted a shortage in housing two years before the famous and highly questioned move by the Chancellor.
Despite the fact that this apparently self-inflicted wound of not authorizing enough open housing for the populace that required it, Hamburg went ahead with a very controversial (and some would say, “unconstitutional”) move to deal with the migrant overpopulation in a most outrageous way.
Hitler has risen in female form
This is what happens when you give up your guns.
Eminent Domain is already abused here in the US.
It was, until after the Kelo decision. Since then, 45 states have reformed their eminent domain laws to limit what may be taken and why.
Outraged!! Get the friggen traitor out of office NOW!! It’s$#%&!@*all over again!!
bacon! bacon cooking 24/7! and share it with your new “roomates”
These are vacant buildings. http://www.dailywire.com/news/16414/report-germany-confiscating-homes-give-migrants-joseph-curl
Yes, vacant by the owner’s wishes. We’re not talking about abandoned here. We’re talking vacant. And the city can seize them even if they’ve only been vacant for 4 months. Not to mention that after seizing them, they renovate them for the migrants, send the bills to the owners of the properties they seized, and then house migrants of their choosing, without deferring to the wishes of the actual owner.
that is just not right and I am so surprised at Germany, I lived there 6 years and it was a wonderful place to live, the people were humble, caring and sweet
I also lived there in what was West Germany for four years in the 1980s and I agree. But this is the government we’re talking about, after all. Not to mention, you’re talking about a Chancellor-led country whose only concern is that the population of Germany is shored up with Muslim immigrants (2 million since 2015) and a million more in the works. Angela Merkel has wrought this problem and now the German people are paying the price.
this is so sad I just can’t take it in
Get the f**k out of our country free loading imgriants