It’s clear that we have not heard the end of the allegations of Russian interference with our November elections. Like so many such issues, it’s doubtful the public will ever know the absolute truth of the matter. In this case, with some of the details being classified, expectations of getting to the bottom of the story are almost certain to be frustrated.
Nevertheless, this is important business, if for no other reason than that the integrity of our elections has been called into question. A free and democratic nation won’t stay that way for long if the election process cannot be trusted. In other words, it’s fine to be angry with the results; it’s not okay for them to have been tampered with.
So now we have reports that a Russian think tank devised a method for swinging the recent election in favor of Donald Trump. Is this true, or just another example of “fake news?”
More on page two.
Uhh,….are you all talking about the day that a Russian came to my house and told me I had better vote for Trump… or was it the money I got from the Bolshevik Bank for not voting for Killery?…I’m SO CONFUSED about what you are trying to say here……
Shut you lieing spirit mouth in the name of Jesus.
I’ve decided that all you nuts need a good firm kick in the$#%&!@*
your so full of$#%&!@*
This nonsense needs to STOP. Plain and simple…
I voted for Trump…not one a Russian told me to.
F**k u idiots! Americans where sick of that moron Gay muslum Traitor SOB!
You assholes need to p**s off !
I dont care clintion is not presadent thanks