Western government leaders and global financiers all worry that the ongoing deterioration in relations between the United States and Russia could put the two superpowers on a path to war.
Recent diplomatic events as well as military actions by both countries have heightened tensions and caused speculation to increase that a new Cold War is underway, one that could turn “hot.”
The recent gas attack on Syrian civilians and the subsequent U.S. missile strike on a Syrian air base raised anxiety throughout Western nations that Russia and the United States are on a collision course.
Find out the most recent diplomatic and military events that have brought the danger of war to a new level on the next page.
Past time for another Civil War.
Liberalism has been allowed to flourish far too long now devouring the world along with Islam and now a clear and present danger to America.
Fight back or be devoured.
Doesn’t get any more simple than that.
Must be a lot of idental men, ?
Better dead than red
If THAY want
If American’s would get behind the American president we would not be having problems with Russia or North Korea. As long as we are so decided and have so much crime that other countries try to take advantage of us.
I’d prefer at this moment not to get into a war till the swamp is drained,security of this country,out of the UN,get rid of NATO the federal reserve and import export bank gone, Nafta and Iran deal gone
All Out War doesn’t start til Season 8, sometime in October.
Oo well , what ever it is it is, I’m ready to defend my country
You can’t stop the inevitable