One of the laws of economics that liberals are forced to deny to push their agenda is that it is impossible to legislate the value of someone’s work. That can only be done by the market as it compares the value of all work and assigns values based on how those people making up that market chose to spend their money.
The government can certainly pass laws stating the minimum rates that a worker can be paid for performing specific jobs, but all that means is that if someone’s work is not deemed by the market to be worth that wage, workers will not be employed to do those jobs. In some cases, technology that was previously too expensive will now become economical and will be used to replace human workers.
An example of this is provided on page two.
Businesses just can’t afford 15. Machines are cheaper in the long run.
The whole $15 an hour thing is a dodge by politicians to take the focus off of them for their miserable handling of the economy. relief is on the way.
And whose fault is this, government intrusion of private business and people who think I will pay $10 for a sandwich! Good luck with that!
Democrats idiots, meet the REAL WORLD.
Good alternate to Booger King.
In a way sad. Fast food is how many young people are introduced to the responsibilities of holding a job. Fast food jobs have never been meant to be a career unless you were in upper management.
Democrats screw up again
Tim Trahan so right
and these idiots who wanted $15 hour to flip burgers did not see this coming? the rest of us did. automated means fewer low paying jobs and maybe one higher paying job for the guy who sets up and repairs/maintains the machine.