Starbucks Vows to Hire 10,000 Refugees, Competitor to Hire 10,000 Veterans

Starbucks Vows to Hire 10,000 Refugees, Competitor to Hire 10,000 Veterans

We live in a time of an astonishing level of intrusion of divisive politics into most all areas of our lives. To push things to the ridiculous, just eating a cheeseburger can be considered to be making a political statement. In a recent example, America was amazed when Lady Gaga’s spectacular performance at the Super Bowl half-time show was not used to push a leftist agenda. That she recited the Pledge of Allegiance and sang part of “God Bless America” resulted in additional surprise. In a different time, these things would have been thought routine.

Unfortunately, not all companies are taking such an apolitical approach to their conduct. Not only can eating that cheeseburger just mentioned be a political statement, but so is the coffee you drink. More on page two.

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