Do you wonder if Mr. Obama might have a parting gift or two for America as he prepares to leave office in less than two months? Perhaps a new war is on his mind. He certainly has not been reluctant to engage in foreign conflicts during his tenure as president — Peace Prize be damned. Another possibility would be to import a massive wave of violent migrants, ready to wreak havoc on those parts of America he particularly dislikes.
One crisis that would be rather easy for him to precipitate would a financial catastrophe. And the nice thing about that would be that he could dump the whole mess on Mr. Trump as punishment for defeating Hillary who was Mr. Obama’s pick to replace him.
Speculations aside, page two reveals one example of his relentless drive to destroy this country economically.
The only parting gift he gave is to himself.
If course he did! He’s all about him!
That rat bastard!
Douchebag lived up to your nsme asshole
Lowest labor participation because dems created a tax rate so high that manufacturers moved out of the country….lower pay rates over seas….and forgot to amend to state products will be taxed coming back into our country…so that creates fewer jobs….fewer jobs means more welfare participants….more welfare means more control over citizens ….and don’t illegal aliens…..more control means ….
I wonder what his portfolio looks like.. You Dont think there is some insurance companies, medical ewuipt and supply, some alternative energy,etc…..please explain to me how he got so wealthy in 8 years. Insider trading? All bath house Barry has ever been was a shifty corperate lawyer, a community organizer, and a one term senator… Brought to yo
Y the Soviet communist asset frank Marshall Davis.affirmative action got this clown into Yale.. It wasn’t his ACHEIVMENT.. Also, his ties to bill ayers. The communist of the faction, “the weather underground” the communist terrorist group of the 60s responsible for government and school bombings.
So glad he’s not in power anymore, we need to get rid of all of the communists that are left too!
Hopefully him and the Moose are drifting aimlessly on a raft in the Pacific Ocean about now.
This person is probably a $#%&!@* “Christian”.
This person is probably a $#%&!@* “Christian”.