Liberals have this intransigent preoccupation with hubris. They seem to think they can regulate, legislate, or litigate anything they wish into existence or extinction. It’s almost as though they believe political law can trump the laws of physics. Doubtful that they’d admit to that. And doubtful that they believe it. But they sure come close in their zeal to substitute government “wisdom” for the freedoms of American citizens.
Nowhere does this play out more strongly than in the continuing leftist drive to attack Second Amendment guarantees. Anti-firearm forces are relentless. In fact, they are so zealous in their pursuit of outlawing gun ownership, that they sometimes make themselves look ridiculous. See page two for an example.
We got Trump they should give up for now
If you tell the dems you can help their hopeless gun control agenda, they will throw money at you.
Zthey need t be sued in federal court for violation of civil rights, as individuals.
Have they not noticed the “shall not be infringed” part? This would infringe on my gun rights for sure.
Dee da Dee! Morons!
When trump gets un there these people will not stop anything. All us americans should arm ourselves heavily because even as Trump as president the retaliation and revenge they want to take out on our country is never ginna stop. ISIS had lists and addresess of marines and army soldier families to get revenge for thwm getting bimbed all these years. This was all revenge and it still is..They will never change the way they live and we need to protect ourselves ,eachother and defend our country. Obama started this by importing illegals and infiltrating them unto our country. It will take years ti clean this c**p out of here..