It’s getting difficult to decide which of Hillary Clinton’s acts and those of her associates are the most depraved.
One possibility would be using the Clinton Foundation for money-laundering and personal enrichment to the detriment of children in third-world nations like Haiti.
Another possibility would be transmitting highly classified materials via non-classified channels including storing such documents on various non-secure servers and devices. This is a felony. It gets worse when done specifically to hide what you’re doing, especially when foreign powers can get access to classified stuff that compromises national security and benefits potential enemies. That’s called treason.
One of the most morally disgusting acts would be Hillary’s alleged participation in sex rituals with children on convicted child-molester Jeffrey Epstein’s “Pedo Island.” After all, material gleaned from Anthony Wiener’s notebook computer supports all of the above offenses and the story that Hillary made six trips to that island. Well, she must have gone there for some reason, probably not just to enjoy the tropics.
Now we come to the latest entry in this “Hall of Depravity.” This time it involves Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta. It’s only for the strong of stomach, and is examined on page two.
How corrupt can they get
What is the value John podesta’s opinion on things seem like he was one of the more honest individuals and the leftist side obviously now he is gone completely off the rails obviously intellectually dishonest. If Hillary hadn’t used the private server which this has been about forever now maybe things would have been a little bit more secure and things wouldn’t have gotten out this is all Hillary Clinton’s fault all John podesta is fault not the Kremlin. How stupid are they if the Kremlin was hacking and releasing anybody could have been hacking and releasing China all over the world Korea who knows where but because she was such a menace to doing her job and a menace at her job we will have to listen to this stupidity about other countries hacking to help Donald Trump win the election when meanwhile her stupidity and her arrogance and her awful attitude is what actually would cost her the election. Her unwillingness to admit that the Obama disaster that we’ve been living through was not a good thing