Hillary Clinton isn’t exactly the best secret keeper. If her email scandal doesn’t convince you of that, you’re being naive. Her latest secret reveal took place during this week’s presidential debate, where she squared off Donald Trump for the last time until November, when the future of the United States will be decided. Naturally, things got heated, punches were thrown, and social media once again became the world’s largest platform for spontaneous knowledge and ignorant opinions.
While many on both sides of the political aisle have compared these debates to two children arguing over things to make themselves look good, Donald Trump has consistently proved to be the more intelligent of the two. He might have been provoked into some childish antics by Clinton, but you’d have to be blind or liberal to believe that Hillary deserves to be president. Donald Trump could very well be America’s last hope for a constitutional future.
In the wake of the final debate, nobody seemed to notice that Clinton revealed yet another secret that could very well endanger American lives. As usual, talk drifted towards the nuclear codes and who deserves to have them, which actually seems to be a continuing obsession with the left. Who remembers Joe Biden, pointing out the agent carrying the codes? Well Hillary gave away what happens next.
Find out what she said on the next page.