No one has to look too far to see why people’s trust in the media and government are at such low levels. Either what is supposed to pass as news is actually propaganda, or we find the government involved in scandals everywhere we look. If you think about this long enough, you come to the realization that this cannot continue.
This time, we’ll look at the Pentagon’s spending over $500 million with a British PR firm to create fake videos. You can see “your tax dollars at work” on the next page.
God we need a good house cleaning and jail time for those that have robbed, approriated funds for themselves and viotated their duties
Where did the money come from ? Is our government spending TaxPayer money on Anti-American b******t while the National Debt is in the Trillions ? You’ll get no more tax money from me Treasonous motherfuckers. Get ready for Civil War people, the government needs to be taken down.
Hollywood could do it for less than 2,000,000. However what ever a govt aency does always cost more $.
Replace thier$#%&!@*
We have enough real terrorist attacks
Meanwhile the Goferment can’t give a cost of living rais to Social Security so seniors could afford a little something.Too sad for words.
Dear God what is the matter with these people?
And they wonder why Americans don’t trust them