California is often characterized as a far-left state fantasyland far removed from logic or common sense. This latest story should remove all doubt.
Democrats have a total monopoly on California’s government. They sit in every statewide executive seat and hold overwhelming majorities in both the state senate and assembly. If you ever want a peek into what Democrats would do with complete power, just take a look at California.
Predictably,they’ve made a mess of it.
This week, the actions of the California government managed to surprise even their biggest critics. Their latest move is so unthinkable, so ridiculous, and so misguided it almost seems fake — but it isn’t. It’s real, and it puts the left’s priorities on display for all to see.
Read about the state’s new laws on child prostitution on the next page:
and who voted this morn into office the same retards that are threatening to leave the country if Trump is elected.
What the actual f**k
Congratlations,Mayor Chester the Molester, you just e Dorsey the ruining of thousands of I. Covent young girls lives! Does that make feel like .ore of a man?
California is one fucked up state I’m thinking we need a wall around it to
Jerry did way too many drugs in his past and brain is mush…stupidest thing I ever heard !!!
we need a border wall along that state !
This governor should be fired and pot in jail. This so stupid.
California’s governor is no kind of a man.
Did I read this right….??they are legalizing children to sell them selves sexually??????must be under the age of 18…..sounds like a muslim who wants to take small children ,,male or female…as a sexual slave…the children are forced into this and this is UNACCEPTABLE…We must protect our children….what the hell is california doing?????
What the law does is treat minor as VICTIMS rather than sending them to jail and giving them a police record. So those minor forced into prostitution will have a chance to recover lives. Read the law people, not just headlines.