If the liberals aren’t careful, this wall-building thing is going to get out of hand. Trump seems to be making headway with his proposed wall on the Mexican border. Now the Brits are getting on the bandwagon.
Why do liberals throw a fit over border walls? After all, they just delineate agreed-on borders. Nobody loses any territory. And they don’t stop legal immigration; a country can still take in whomever it wishes. What ever happened to the old saying that, “fences make good neighbors?”
Let’s have a look.
Not such a bad idea after all, is it! Too bad it took yall so long to catch on.
Another brilliant Trump’s Idea! Now all want one, even the Pope in the Vatican has one, and telling Trump otherwise!
I can tell if a Hispanic lives in a house, they have a wall around the perimeter of their property, with vicious chihuahuas ready to eat a trespasser alive!
It’ll stem the flow of muzzies, as well. Good luck Britain!
it would be better to do mass deport.
All our countries have been invaded, plain and simple. Our grand children will more than likely all be Muslim or under Muslim rule. Fight now or accept this inevitable future. March on your governments , occupy their space do not leave till they remove them from our countries. Look how easily they March on our countries and make demands, and yet we sit back and do nothing. Not only do they march on our countries and issue demands, their demands are met and they sit back and laugh at us. Perhaps we deserve our fate.
If an empty island the size of Australia existed and we sent all Muslims there, 100, 200, 300 years from now they would all still be living in mud huts, beating their wives, kicking their dogs and raping their own daughters.
The little social experiment did not work, there is no melting pot, there is no merging of cultures. Time to close the doors.
It`s the in thing to do….If you can`t kill them, keep them out !!!
I was wondering when the BRITS would wake up, build that wall, save English culture, Christianity.
Hurry up before you have no country left.