Donald Trump’s slogan, “Make America great again,” has been synonymous with the candidate since he launched his campaign. While most campaign slogans go unnoticed and unremembered, Trump cemented his slogan in the American psyche by featuring it prominently on a hat he wore to multiple campaign events.
This week, Trump supporter Rudy Giuliani made headlines by wearing an altered version of Trump’s famous cap. Instead of “Make America great again,” the hat read “Make Mexico great again too.”
This immediately angered much of the mainstream press. After all, they’ve spent much of the last year painting Trump as the anti-Mexico candidate.
The new slogan isn’t just meaningless pander, though. It’s a representation of the Trump campaign’s plan to make an immigration policy that benefits both countries.
See what that plan looks like on the next page:
They don’t know what illuminati is either. Look it up.
The message in Ohio was a little rough on Hispanics and Latinos by shipping them all back and let them come back in legal. Do the ones that have been here 10 years or more, paying taxes and being good citizens have to go thru this whole process. I know this seems wrong but they came in illegal. Will these people get consideration? I will still vote for Trump because we need to get the criminal element out. I hope this works out for the ones that are truly Americans at heart.
I would be for fast tracking those that have been here a certain amount of time and have not committed any crimes.
Thanks, John Williams. It makes me feel a little better about these people.
So my question to all of you is – WHY do you think it is okay to come here illegally, break our immigration laws, and somehow we are wrong to deport you? That is an affront to those who have come here LEGALLY and not fair but if I went to Mexico illegally I would be locked up for a couple years then deported.
You know how you get Mexico to help pay for the wall. Cut off all aide that we send them and start cutting imports… Pretty soon they will realize how much money they are losing and will cough it up.
Under the Mexican law, illegal immigration is a felony, punishable by up to two years in prison. Immigrants who are deported and attempt to re-enter can be imprisoned for 10 years. Visa violators can be sentenced to six-year terms. Mexicans who help illegal immigrants are considered criminals. Just think if we could have laws like that in our country. But yet, when anyone mentions deporting people or enforce our laws, uh oh.. They are now racist…
In the interest of peace, let us agree with Mexico on immigration laws. We will copy their immigration laws and enforcement to the letter. People who cross our border will be treated the same as those that illegally cross Mexico’s southern border. How the Mexicans treat illegals once found inside their country is how we will deal with the situation here. If we follow Mexico’s lead, then all illegals will be treated the same in both countries. What could be more fair?
The TRUTH is,, Mexico is rich with natural resources and plagued with greed and corruption just like the USA. Real cooperation and mutual benefits could be realized if President Trump and Mexico can NEGOTIATE, Fair trade treaties.
A truly good person does not “sneak” into another country.
Where does the money come from that they live on, un earned benefits or from a job that they take from Americans?
Mexico can never be great until it rids itself of corruption and drugs and begins to help it’s people instead of it’s politicians pocketing the aid the USA sends.
Good citizens? They are not citizens you lame brain twit.