Hillary’s History of Falls and Physical Trauma

Hillary’s History of Falls and Physical Trauma

Hillary Clinton has had numerous health issues in her sixties, some of which have resulted in falling accidents.

Can Hillary, should she be elected, even do the strenuous job that the role of President demands?  Or is her health so bad, that she should pull out of the race now?

Most recently, a photo has been circulating on the Internet from February, showing Hillary Clinton unable to walk up the six or seven stairs without a lot of support on either side of her body from her aides.

What is actually going on with this 68-year-old candidate and would it be prudent for her to discontinue this race if her very health is in jeopardy?

At age 61, while heading to a meeting at the White House, Hillary slipped and fell in the parking garage, resulting in a fractured elbow.

Richard Holbrooke was with her at the time and related that she “struggled to get up to go to the meeting, but the pain was very intense.”  The injury required surgery to fix the break.

View the video and read about other falls that Hillary has had and how they tie into greater health issues on the following page.

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