According to Reuters, the poll numbers for both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump aren’t completely accurate. This claim was made when they discovered a 17-point swing in favor of Donald Trump.
Could this be the “secret” Trump voters that liberals feared? Seeing how this is one of the most heated elections in history, many are refraining from admitting who they’re voting for until poll day.
Why? Because nobody wants to offend anybody, which means that admitting your choice to friends and family that might not feel the same way, could put a few nails in the metaphorical coffins that are those relationships.
Read how Reuters found about their underreporting on the next page.
Change all they want but we know Trump is winning
Clinton had 172 in rally Trump 12000 last week
They can try, not going to happen.
Truth in media, makes me laugh.
As if we didn’t know that
They’re just pi$$ing away any credibility they once had.
What I find amusing is reading all the polls conducted by the dishonest media that show Clinton in the lead then reading about how Clinton only pulls in 100 people to her rallies as Trump pulls in 15,000+ people and somehow he’s losing…
No skewed or biased reporting there, is there? Lol…
I would love the luxury of having faith in our system but the corruption has run so deep into every branch and level of our government it no longer allows me to . Hence my reasoning in saying this is the time for a revolution nothing short of that will change a thing .
Polls by liberals can’t be trusted.