Barack Obama has made no secret of his disdain for the U.S. military. A few reasons might include that as a whole the military is somewhat conservative, religious, and patriotic. They use guns. And they promote America first. Military leaders are well trained and confident, and do not quake and tremble when Obama issues an uninformed directive, which irritates the commander in chief, so he has gotten rid of many of the senior command and decided that he knows best, regardless of what these impressive leaders might say. Obama has also turned the military into an undermanned, misdirected social experiment and jobs placement program for unequipped civilians who want a steady job.
The result is that seasoned military leaders have gotten out or been tossed out. And seasoned troops are leaving in droves. Obama has done everything possible to banish Christianity from the military, but invited in Muslims and insisted that the military show deference to their beliefs and rites. He has made it clear that openly homosexual military personnel are welcomed and protected above almost all other service members, and he has opened up all areas of the service to women, including combat positions. All of these actions are hugely expensive in their accommodations, and hugely disruptive because of infrastructure, training, and facility restructuring. Now Obama is pushing hard for a new special interest group, and once again it dramatically increases costs, and decreases readiness. It is also one more element that will harm the cohesiveness of the military in order to make a social statement.
New military requirements and approvals, page 2:
Im glad Iam retired, sad to see Obama attack the miliary like this but it has been a refuge from the social chaos of the rest of the countrty. Sadly these are going to be the ones we leave behind who reject military values and come in for the expressed purpose of destroying those values.
They’re gonna have a hard time in a war-zone wearing high heels and makeup. Put them in the front line so the enemy will waste it’s ammo on these freaks.
Systematic downgrading our military!
Y’all don’t let this happen
Yes I’m Right If Congress In This Election Year Want To Prove To Americans That They Have Are Interest At Heart They Can Stand From Their Childish Sit In And Past The Following Bills Into Law.
!) War On Terrorism.
2) Ban On Refuges/Muslims
3) No Amnesty & Deport Illegal Aliens
4) Pass Kates’s Law
5) No Tax Dollars Spent On The Above Mention Groups
6) Arrest & Convict Hillary On Her Crimes Against Us & Our Country
7) Impeach Arrest & Convict Him Of Treason Against Us & Our Country
8) Both Sides Of The Isle Need To Support We The Peoples Choice: Donald J. Trump As Our Next President!
Stupid PC
Hope these freakazoids have someone watching their backs! Th military is NOT the place for conducting social experiments!
And we the tax payers pay for their surgeries and hormone treatments while they are enlisted.
so now,,, there will be more than one klingger,,,?….
Setting them up for failure. Not to be equals.