Not even America’s treasured national parks and public lands are safe from the left’s insane obsession with injecting identity politics into everything under the sun.
Taking their complaints straight to the top, a coalition of progressive interest groups have complained to President Obama that he is not doing enough to make such grounds “welcoming” enough to racial and ethnic minorities.
To that end, the group demands that Obama direct the National Park Service and other agencies to change the demographic makeup of their staff and personnel to reflect the diverse nature of the country as well as “actively engage all people.” What the former will accomplish what the latter would even entail is unknown.
But at any rate, the coalition says that this course of action is warranted because increasing numbers of Americans are members of minority communities. This may be true, but it’s difficult to see what exactly it has to do with who’s keeping an eye on Yellowstone.
Watch video of liberal activists saying park ranger uniforms are “threatening” to Latinos on the next page:
Liberals “Threaten” the very core of our Republic !!!!!
And does the Easter Bunny threaten them too?
If they offend you, you are free to leave our country.
Oh people get a life ! Use your time to get a hobby or help at a church, or hospital, or somewhere instead of inventing stories so ridiculous. Just saying.
Good grief, get a job, huh ?
And the Rangers uniforms do not make me feel threatened in any way !!
Stay out of the parks, mater of fact go back to your country if America’s park rangers worry you, what are you doing to be afraid to be caught at.
So sad & sickening im tired of it.
That makes sense cause they are not welcome: in parks, restaurants, schools, the streets, nor in the US at all. Until disproven, and that will take some doing, emigrated terrorists need to get the hell back and apply for immigration status under the laws of our land, not by an illegal E/O that a black Muslim dork spewed from the dark recesses of his twisted “I hate America” venue for 7+years!