If you want to push an illegal agenda and deny constitutional rights to citizens, the key is to find a corrupt federal judge who will ignore the law in order to promote a leftist agenda, whether it be anti-gun rights, gay marriage, or atheist demands that Christianity be erased from the public square. The reasoning does not have to be stellar, because it takes time and money to challenge and undue the damage caused by partisan judges, and that is why the Left is so anxious to place politically biased judges on the bench.
In a ruling last week, a Connecticut Superior Court judge has decided to use her position to deny citizens their 2nd amendment right to bear arms, but because the issue has pretty well-defined guidance from the U.S. Supreme Court, the judge has decided that it will take special, twisted logic to prevent citizens from owning weaponry.
See sneaky legal maneuvers to eliminate guns, page 2:
Corrupt judge is right!!
Gunning for a SCOTUS appointment.
Stupid decision
This is the stupidest thing I have ever heard another one of Bama’s b*******
How stupid !!! LIBTARD judge .
Well Americans, how do you like our new Marxist gov’t and jurisprudence ? There’s more to come——keep sleeping.
if that the case take away the forkes and spoons that make people fat
That’s so much bull. Every car mfg. should be held responsible for accidents with that thinking. What a farce. Let’s hope the judge grows a brain