The Mojave Desert is home to Edwards Air Force Base and several other military installations, so when reports come in that 17 Middle Eastern men are shooting guns and up all night chanting ‘Allah akbar’ in this remote California landscape, it is unsettling.
Calls came into the the Victory Valley Sheriff’s Station alleging that over one-hundred shots were fired. One police officer, over the police scanner, was heard saying, “They were up all night chanting ‘Allah akbar’-type stuff.”
The local news paper, Victorville Daily Press, interviewed a hiker who was enjoying the Deep Creek Hot Springs when the incident occurred. Read his eyewitness account on the next page.
Direct them to Pelosi,Boxer and Feinstein houses
Why investigate them. Why don’t you detain them like you did to the militia in Oregon?
They were looking for sheep and goats…..
Inotherwords the blackwater training camp has been breached so here comes the lone wolf terror cells coverup. God these children that run this show are pathetic.
Gee is that one of the 22 Terrorist training camps that the FBI told us we had up an running in the USA and could not do anything about them because they were not classified as a Terrorist group yet?? We have one per their map near Colorado Springs too..
They were on a camping trip paid for by Obama.
You know where all their training camps are don’t act like you don’t shut them down now
Arrest and deport