George Soros is alarmed! Pretty good news if you are a Trump fan because the last time George Soros was scared of a candidate, George Soros lost. He was supposed to have spent billions back in the 2004 election to prevent George W. Bush from being elected but ended up going cheap and spending less than $30-million.
To regular folks that means something but when you are sitting on 23 billion, it’s less than one percent.
School lunch ladies gave more of their wealth than George Soros ever did.
Not one to be questioned by his adoring media, Soros is on a new mission to defeat Donald Trump.
Perhaps he might even spend actual money this time.
See the next page to find out how serious George Soros is this time.
Oooooo, I’m twemblin…
They lie, they cheat, they rob!! The RNC/GOP is plotting to steal the nomination from DONALD TRUMP!
Don’t let that happen! Please sign our petition have your voice heard. (Click on the picture or link to access it)
The GOP establishment does not want DONALD TRUMP to win and they will use every dirty trick they can think of to stop him. They know if he wins that their days of screwing over citizens will be short lived and that many a corrupt heads will roll!
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For mounts I been porting about this ass hole and his trying to high Jack our presidential election because he is a power hungry junkie people need to know but they never seem 6do their homework , I worry constantly about him being able to divide and conquer and get his New World order he is so set on in , Sanders is his quickest way in and Hillary is definitely in his pocket and I switched party’s to fight him but other than Trump , I’m not sure who else is in his pocket, but I’m sure Trump isint or he wouldn’t be trying so hard to destroy him , stay Trump Strong people so we can get our country back or began to. God Bless