Study: Number of Unemployed Working-age, Native-born Americans Skyrockets to 28.2 Percent

Study: Number of Unemployed Working-age, Native-born Americans Skyrockets to 28.2 Percent

The Obama administration keeps reporting that the economy is improving, and that story line will continue until the November presidential election in order to help the Democrat contender. The mainstream media will also peddle the same story as a willing division of the party, but if you ask around, the story is dramatically different. We have all heard about the countless college students living with mom and dad, unable to get a job in their field, or working for Starbucks and wondering if they will ever get to use their degree and training. That goes well beyond college grads, it is impacting the U.S. work force in general.

We hear from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, big businesses like Facebook and tech companies, and Democrat party pols anxious to pad the rolls with immigrants who are voters in waiting, that what this country really needs is more immigrants to “do the jobs that Americans won’t do.” And they quote official unemployment figures as if they are actually telling the truth, which they are not. In fact, the employment rate for this country is currently at depression levels, but it is not being honestly reported.

See the true unemployment rate on page 2:

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