Oh, Jeb. Poor, poor Jeb. Even when making a joke, Jeb Bush manages to fall flatter than, well, his own poll numbers.
In a recent town hall with South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, the Senator asked if there were any Democrats in the room. There weren’t many, but apparently Jeb was one of them.
He rose his hand — an apparent stab at humor — but it wasn’t a good visual for the man who has fought for his entire campaign that he is a true conservative, despite his liberal positions on Common Core, immigration, and refugees.
Jeb, a self-described introvert, has really struggled to provide a compelling conservative picture for his campaign, as his low energy, humorless town halls have gone so poorly that Jeb now famously has had to ask the attendees to clap for him when met with total silence.
See more awkward Jebisms on the next page:
Little Jebbie is mad cause the right likes Trump and for the life of him he can’t figure out how an ENTITLED fellow with a silver spoon jammed in his jaw cant win them over by saying what he and all crooked politicians have always been trained to say. Yet Trump does 180 degrees the opposite, and everyone flocks to his words and he just can’t understand it. So what’s he do, he holds his breath like a toddler too attempt to get his way, or he will side with the enemy like oooh I don’t know maybe Benedict Arnold. Mommie and daddy told him he should have been President first, as portrayed in the film W. Mommie and daddy thought he should have been President first, not Georgie. Why can’t everyone else see my greatness as mommie and daddy do he wonders most often I bet, as he cries himself to sleep every night…..
What the HELL is going on with this country and world??? The world has gone crazy!!! Are we going to criticize every little thing Donald Trump says or does??? What’s next? Are we going to judge how he goes to the bathroom? For the Pope to question a person’s faith is disgraceful as Donald Trump said!!! You have a GIANT wall that protects you and “you” Pope need to stay out of American Politics!!!
We have something very wrong with the death of Scalia and now OUR WONDERFUL President won’t attend his funeral. What does that tell you?
Anyone that disrespects Donald Trump is scared out of their mind cause he is exposing all of the CORRUPTION in America and the WORLD! They all know he will remove everything BAD going on.
Hillary Clinton gets away with anything because once again she is being protected by the JACKASSocrats and our corrupt system. This lady has no right to even be running for President!!! Why doesn’t the media cover her 25+ scandals over the last 40 years! You should keep barking on stage like the DOG you are!
Bernie Sanders wants to give away everything for free! Do people understand NOTHING IN LIFE IS FREE!!! Let’s prey on the 18 year old kids and the minorities. Let’s make the people who are successful in life pay for other people’s college & problems!!! Prepare for everyone’s taxes to go through the roof and to have a HUGE Government control YOU! Bernie Sanders is a JOKE!
Rafael Edward “TEDDY” CRUZ has to play dirty politics by cheating in Iowa. VOTER VIOLATIONS and then telling people Ben Carson dropped out and to vote for him! CHEATER!!! I can see right through this guy like a piece of glass! Your dirty tricks won’t win!!!
Baby Bush Jebby you are not your big brother, so George and your mommy can’t win you votes! Your attacks on Trump only hurt you, but I guess you don’t care cause it’s not your money your spending to attack him!
John Kasich, nice guy, struck oil in OHIO but that’s about it. Playing the nice guy won’t cut it in a NASTY WORLD!!!
Marco “ROBOT” Rubio. To young right now maybe in 2024 you will be ready! Go back to FL and do your work as a senator!
Ben Carson – Another nice guy, but always seems to be asleep!!! Will make a good surgeon general.
Now on to the one GOOD THING we have going! DONALD J. TRUMP!!! A man who stands up to everyone and everything. This man has had so much S**T thrown at him and yet he still stands TALL. This is a sign of a TRUE LEADER!!! Can Mr. Trump be a nasty and a tough$#%&!@* He sure can!!! But guess what people, this is who we need in this NASTY corrupt world we now live in!!! He is the ONLY person who can not be bought and that’s why both parties are afraid of him!!! People need to get off his back and understand why Trump is doing what he is doing! Donald Trump sleeps 1 -3 hours a night. Do you really think he needs to be doing this? I think NOT! He has a beautiful wife & family he can be with and doing what he loves building his real estate! Has Donald Flipped flopped, yes but so has the great Ronald Reagan. Donald gets along with EVERYONE! Just remember he is FIGHTING every day to save THE ONE THING WE ALL LOVE! AMERICA! ***********LIKE & SHARE***********
He didn’t understand the question…
He cant even wip his brothers shoes.hes a baby