It’s simply amazing that the movie industry, what with their bleeding-heart liberal actors, directors, and producers that constantly spew anti-white rhetoric at seemingly every moment, find themselves in such a public dispute over the under-representation of minorities. Still, this is exactly what’s happening with the #OscarsSoWhite controversy.
Desperate for a solution, some Oscar winning actors are willing to suggest ridiculous solutions in order to rectify the “problem.”
At least one of them is openly discussing killing off the “old, white men” who make up the Academy’s membership in order to force diversity in the institution.
Imagine the uproar if one were to make the same suggestion about minorities. They would be cast out of Hollywood and lit on fire.
Still, its okay to say blatantly racist things so long as the race you are demeaning is white.
To see which two-time Oscar Winner made these remarks, continue reading on the next page:
Emma, if that is your statement, your brain don’t have enough spark to light a fart
I’m sn old white guy who lived thu the end of the Great Depression WW11
Lived in a getto .
Had my first job at age 12 and last job at 81
Served 4 years in the Navy during the Korean War and volunteer my time helping the less fortunate.
I ate corn flakes 3 times a day as therS was nothing else to eat at times
Got my gym
Clothes out of the locker room trash can because I had no money to clothes
l only collect $52 in unemployment in my entire life after discharged from the Navy
My mother was laid off after WW11 unemployment was $11.00/ week
I worked with WW11 German prisoners of War while in high school
I’ll be 89 in 2 weeks so I don’t give a s**t what you think about killing Old White Guys so kiss my white ass
Boycott everything that excretes from Hollywood.
Emma Thompson center has been even Weinstein won’t sleep with her. First they kill newborns, now it’s old white men. Why not just start with Hollywood librals
Isn’t she the one with her comrade activist? that put up a tent on this farmers land to protest and wouldn’t leave, so the farmer loaded his cow manure machine and drove around the tent and spread his cow manure on all the activist. Only way they listen. No pain no gain
I thought black folks had their awards on bet? I don’t know but are white folks allowed there? Don’t get me wrong but, Hollywood is as segregated as the south ever was. If you’re not a dumbass liberal, you can’t work. So they’re all hypocritical pos!
The Black Entertainment TV(BET), wudn’t even have her .