Voter fraud has been caught on video in New Hampshire. Out of state voters and non-residents asked election helpers what they need to do in order to vote in the Primary. The dishonesty suggested is astounding!
“How long do I have to live in New Hampshire to vote here?” asked one lady. “How long do I have to stay in New Hampshire to vote today?”
“Not long. I don’t know, there’s not really a set time.” said the election volunteer. She then responded that there was no requirement for length of stay, in order to vote.
“What do I need, because I don’t have an I.D.?”
“Ummmm, you are just going to need to fill out an ID, just another form.”
Another election volunteer said, “They will allow you to sign an affidavit saying that you live in the state of New Hampshire,” responding to a man’s question about living in another state.
He asked, “I’m in another state okay or…I don’t but I’m not living here, as of right now. I am just looking to vote here.”
Move to the next page to hear the fraudulent suggestion which then takes place.
Stop fraud, Voter I.D. !
Going to cemeteries signing up democrat voters
My family are democrats from way back. Things have changed amongst many of them now. Some have finaly broken away from the dark side because what it ment to be Democratic has changed beyond recognition. I will NEVER vote Democratic as long as things continue to go the way they are. I love our country and I can no longer sit back while I watch Socialism and Communism systematicaly change the fundamental character of what the UNITED STATES of AMERICA is. Obama and his co-horts have betrayed OUR MILITARY, brought “imagrants” into OUR land of liberty, opened the boarders wide, and care about the comfort of aliens ahead of AMERICAN CITIZENS. STOP them at OUR boarder. Now I wonder how safe my family will be in the future because of these situations. Down size goverment and all the unecessary regulation that has been put on businesses and land use and anything else that is so dang PC. NO to Hillary and NO to Bernie in the White House.’ MY COUNTRY TIS of THEE SWEET LAND of LIBERTY of THEE I SING.”
Looks like Obama is going to rip this country apart before he leaves office.He will make sure we are weakened to the point of no return.
How do you think Obama got in office twice?