Marco Rubio, propelled by expectations defying third place finish in Iowa, was soaring high into New Hampshire.
Polls had him gaining supporters by the day, so much so that the hashtag #MarcoMentum become a trending topic on social media and throughout the news. Already, people were claiming the primary a three man race.
Well, the voters weren’t only ones who noticed. As Marco confidently moved his sights to the Granite State, the remaining candidates in the race were plotting the downfall of Marco Rubio. At the final debate before the New Hampshire Primary, one of them very well may have succeeded.
Marco has, in nearly every debate so far, entered the arena with a specific narrative from which he rarely deviated. They’ve ranged from his idea of a “New American Century” to his family’s meager beginnings as Cuban immigrants, but regardless of the topic, they’ve always been very precise, and likely very scripted.
Languishing near the bottom of the polls in New Hampshire, Chris Christie sensed an opportunity to rattle Marco Rubio, and boy did it work.
Referencing his inability to go off script, Chris Christie made sure everyone watching was aware of how insecure Marco was when he wasn’t prepared. The moment Christie identified Marco’s “line of the night,” he interrupted by saying, “There it is! the 25 second memorized speech” with which Marco answered every question.
In response, Marco repeated his line again… and again.
See the uncomfortable exchange on the next page:
Rubio, Cruz, Bill Gates Mark Zuckerberg along with Microsoft ‘ Software applications that was made to manipulate the tabulation of the American People’s Votes. They used it in the Iowa Caucus to Insure that Trump would not win. They did not use it in New Hampshire. There is a new Super pac thats out to destroy Donald Trump they just came out and said they helped fix elections in Iowa, their gonna try to fix South Carolina. The American people need to stop this B******T from happening. South Carolina, DO NOT ALLOW A COMPUTER TO TALLY ANY OF THE ELECTION VOTES IN YOUR STATE! Have ALL OF the votes counted the OLD SCHOOL WAY, by hand, by honest, God Fearing Citizens. Tally the votes the OLD SCHOOL WAY, Honest, God Fearing Citizens doing the TABULATIONS ! Also you should have Honest Citizens over seeing the entire process. Every State needs to FOLLOW THIS PROCESS IN THEIR ELECTION PROCEDURES. We can not allow our ELECTION process to be CORRUPTED in any manner!
No More Jewish Owned Politicians!
Remember how he lied to get into office then joined the gang or eight…That’s bad enough, but he bent over for Shumer’ ( D of n.y.)
It needs repeated until the sheep get it!
Actually he was just getting the truth out!