During his visit to the Islamic Society of Baltimore on Wednesday morning, President Obama decided to weigh in on the issue of diversity in Hollywood by calling for more American television shows to feature Muslim characters, and not as terrorists. He stated that American television shows need to include “better representations of the Muslim community.” He’s no doubt referring to the way that American television shows and movies feature Muslims driving acts of terrorism.
Like everything else the media portrays, what they show on television is a product of the times. Muslims are featured as terrorists because, well, when’s the last time a white person blew up a building or committed an atrocious act in the name of Allah. If anything, this should prove a point. American television shows and films like Platoon, Rambo, or anything in the Die Hard franchise featured Russians. The media portrays enemies as people feared by Americans, which is strange seeing how most Hollywood executives are liberal.
Read more about Hollywood diversity on the next page.
Hey Barack how’s your$#%&!@* bedroom parner
Probably hard to find one
Don Roney you tube has a commentary about the gay antics that go on. He is the receiver. According to the unnamed source, his$#%&!@*has a lot more than him
I want to see his arrest and watch him swing from a tree
Not much call for uncivilized pilgrims in today’s news ..
Where does he think he’s going to get these non terrorist Muslim actors.
Does this surprise anyone coming from a Muslim fraud like him!
Soon it will be just Muslims and blacks on tv!
The only good muslums are dead