If you’re a fan of the liberal comedian and talk show host, Jimmy Kimmel, you’re probably aware of his “Lie Witness News” segments, in which he sends a reporter out onto the streets of New York with angled questions. The latest question he took to New York city dwellers was one involving Martin Luther King Jr’s endorsement of Donald Trump for president. If it takes you longer than a few seconds to figure out why that’s impossible, you might want to finish high school.
The hilarious segment, which was obviously aimed at poking fun at Conservatives, backfires on Kimmel in more ways than one. While out on the street trying to make Trump supporters look like idiots, he got quite a few answers that sound like they would come from modern liberals. That being said, some of the answers he got in return were so odd that you can’t help but wonder if they were scripted. You can watch the segment in the player below and decide for yourself.
Watch video below.
Is it real or is it fake? There’s no doubt that it’s funny, but it feels scripted funny. If it is real, intelligent Americans should be concerned about this country’s future . . . if you weren’t already. In either case, it’s not nearly as good as Mark Dice’s “Man on the Streets” segments, which this is obviously modeled after.
Lol just goes to show just how much people and our kids were taught in school and in colleges now. Damn, I still take a week just for one statement and research the person(s) just so I can be informed outside of social media. Wikipedia is still on the internet people it’s free and it’s the encyclopedia online use it abuse it. Before you open mouths. I bet they don’t know that according to our own laws in all categories that Donald Trump is the only politician that is legally able to run for president. And that Obama ,Clinton, Sanders, have all broken the law concerning a federal law to hold federal and state offices as well as breaking a very real law, public law 414, chapter 2, section 212 that essentially states that they have commited treason and can be forcibly removed from the offices they are holding and arrested and loose their citizenship. As according to our laws. But who am I go search wikipedia under president of the United states – eligibility – and you’ll see it yourself. Same for public law 414.
Luann Latier Paley nope obama Clinton and Sanders by our own laws are commuting treason and Cruz isn’t eligible to be president because a president has to be naturally born here in the United states. That doesn’t include a naturalization citizenship from canada. So trump is the only legal candidate. Don’t believe research it in wikipedia ( that’s an online encyclopedia) look up public law 414, chapter 2, section 212 first that covers sanders Clinton and obama. Also eligibility to be president covers them as well under a section that stated that they are to PROTECT AND UNHOLD THE CONSTITUTION UNDER OATH. If they are found to not do that and have gone against it it states that they can be forcibly removed from office charged with treason and their citizenship removed. So if you found the same as I did in research and not the media. And you still vote for them. You just showed how much you don’t care and love America, her values, and that it’s ok to break the law.
Carson can not be strong enough nor stand steadfast against what we need for this country. Sorry he may be a very good man, but he doesn’t have the financial capabilities nor for lack of a better word the Balls to take on the task that are necessary to make this country secure, our of debt, and stand up to isis and closing our borders. It’s too much for him. You may not like trump cuz he voices everything piudly directly and crudely but that’s what we actually need he is shrewed, crash and doesn’t let things bother him. He also states the obvious to see just how people react. He is a think tank people not many can see past his manners to see all this. This is what we need. As for his military past so what. His actions have shown that he stands tall and firm for what he is doing and going for and saying he will do. Everyone else including cruz and Carson have changed some of their opinions on some issues that are serious to this nations safety. It’s not about the Syrians coming in that we need to stop all border crossings. But for us and the immigrants that are here legally that came here to get away from that type of oppression. The laws are here for us not the illegal aliens or the “refugees”. There here to protect us from outside oppression and to keep our rights and freedoms safe. Not the other way around.
I sure hope so!!!!!