After seven years of President Obama traversing the globe and apologizing to the Muslim world about everything anti-jihadist, some establishment overlords feel it’s their place to don this blame America first mantle and channel it into the Trump antidote.
Donald Trump as as candidate has taken an admittedly hard line on immigration and makes no bones about it.
The media at large and the Republican Country Club establishment have found their Victorian manners again and are fanning their gasping faces just before they faint.
Some of them take turns admonishing and offering their own democrat-lite fantasy alternatives. Senator Graham is the most slithery of the pack.
Read the next page for Senator Graham’s debate posing
Graham is a p**s ant RINO and I hope Trump clips his wings real fast and in a hurry !
WE CANNOT APOLOGIZE to Muslims. They are dead set on doing just that >>> MAKE SURE AMERICANS ARE DEAD>> Deport every refugee that Obama brought in and REFUSE to let any more into this country. They want to kill all non Muslims because we are seen as the filth of the earth. As in turn some morons in Washington are to STUPID to see through all their lies. We should not permit GANGS or CULTS like Muslims to Ravage our families or country.
This country should not have to apologize for anything or to anybody. Screw the Muslim’s they need to go to Islam their own country. God Bless America and Donald Trump.
Do Not Worry America, Come the Next Election Mr. Graham will Be Gone. He Does Not Represent the Values of South Carolina And Failed to Realize our Stern Commitment to the Candidacy of Donald Trump.
Senator Graham:: I have voted for you but NEVER again. You will not back President Trump. The American people voted him in office to deliver several things. You and your RINO buddies have hurt him at every turn. I am an old woman and if you RINOS don’t start passing some legislation that Trump wants. I will not only vote against you but I will knock on doors and make phone calls against you.
I have already asked the republican party to find a good person to oppose you in the primary. If you don’t gt on board with Trump, I will vote against you if it takes my dying breath!!!