Alfonzo Rachel, conservative web host, destroyed the left in his video monologue stating that the liberals are racists because they have assigned a religion to a race. He made the superb point that Muslims are not a race, but rather a follower of Islam.
In defense of Trump, who has been called racist because of his position to keep Muslims from immigrating into the country, Rachel called the liberals the profiling, stereo-typers and called Trump “more American” than the left.
Liberal’s don’t have any idea what it means to be an American, Rachel points out. He continues by saying that liberal’s are duped by the politically correct notion that not all Muslims are terrorist. It really doesn’t matter how peaceful these moderate Muslims seem to be, they will bend to the will of true believers.
The following page has Rachel’s full video rant calling the liberal bluff regarding Islam.
Don Johnson I try to stay in the middle of the road but the left has gone crazy. You cant even disagree with a liberal if your white, they just call you a racist or a bigot at the drop of a hat.
OMG, this man is so right on! Watch and listen to his entire video, about 8 minutes long.
We need more black ppl like him
I’ve seen very few Muslims speak out. I do find it curious. I believe either they are scared or they are in alignment with the evil actions of the radicals. I’ve also have read in many places that there are a significant number of Muslims that agree with jihad.
They do…you just won’t hear about it here since it doesn’t fit their narrative
Exactly – high five mister.
Hey, lets invite home, people who swear to kill us!