The sweeping wave of anti-police hysteria stoked by liberals is beginning to backfire on them, hitting a few of their numbers where it hurts.
With Chicagoans outraged by what they deem to be his insufficient response to the killing of 17 year-old Laquan McDonald by a Chicago PD officer now charged with murder, Mayor Rahm Emanuel is now facing a coordinated attempt by his fellow politicians.
Democrats want to remove him from power. The repercussions of the killing have been felt across the state, if not the nation, with Illinois legislators La Shawn Ford and Mary Flowers introducing a bill that would make it possible for voters to recall the mayor, something not possible under current Illinois law.
This is especially troubling for the former White House Chief of Staff since both Ford and Flowers are Democrats, indicating that even Emanuel’s erstwhile allies are turning their backs on him.
Read more about the move to impeach Emanuel on the next page:
May 2, 2016 Hillary statement Eliminate Coal Jobs — Ky, IL, WV, Penn,,etc. It was Bill Clinton that sign the NAFTA bill — it does matter Hillary –Paid rioters by the democrats its time the GOP united the party stop playing the same games that demo rats are doing they have lie and cover up the facts & truth — Game change social media will affect this election 2016 -Paid rioters – JUST LIKE ST LOUIS, BALTIMORE – Florida –Who is Obama ? after almost 8 years in office — corruption, wasteful spending Obama has spend more than ALL THE PAST presidents put together — how does someone come in to office with net worth approx 1.2 million and with in less than 3 years grow it to 12.5 million and I’m sure it hell lot more by now fact he got rich in this economy should tell you something — seal his record for a reason –, GOP or news media did not report the facts — American you have been FOOL BY establishment DO NOT BE FOOL AGAIN WITH HILLARY CLINTON she will be a repeat of the worst to ever hold office — Over the past seven years, as we watched America’s core values ripped apart with the imprimatur of the Obama White House, the mainstream media either looked the other way or actively promoted the Administration’s leftist agenda. Here and now Americans, our job is to filter out the liberal spin so we can arm you with vital facts as we face challenges that threaten our nation’s future and security as never before. Just a few of the recent events that have set our nation back on its heels:• The atrocities carried out at Planned Parenthood and then defended by partisan elites.• The glaring incompetence of our foreign diplomacy, which has alienated allies and now all but guarantees a nuclear Iran.
• Hillary’s undeniable culpability in the Benghazi tragedy and subsequent cover-up.• The woeful underestimation of the power and reach of ISIS, as well as the belittling of the domestic threat from radicalization and Syrian immigration.
All of it catalyzed by a mainstream media who cherry-pick and shape news stories to support a liberal worldview.— we the people have but one change 2016 to elected Trump restore America –The demo rats debate — wall street bail out — guns — social security — jobs — lets review that — democrats hate the truth — It was Bill Clinton that sign the 1933 Bank Act that remove the restrictions off the banks that lead to economy melt down 2008 — bail out — it was Bill Clinton that move the social l security fund into general fund at end of his term in office then claim he left a surplus –LIAR – it was Bull Clinton that sign the NAFTA bill that allow the jobs to relocate to China Mexico — Guns –Gun Control — Hillary & Obama 2012 attack the 2nd Amendment with the UN Gun Treaty after the so call school shooting bill was move to March 18, 2013 — still would like to know what happen to men arrested that day running from the school???? Home Land Security was conducting school shooting drill SAME DAY — SAME ROAD – school officials state it was a drill –back to treaty — March 18, 1938 was the date$#%&!@*start gun control in Germany — Hillary will try to disarmed Americans — more facts & truth democrats hate that —USA is 2nd in the world for gun violence –HOW EVER — remove 7 democrat run CITIES from the numbers with the toughest gun laws on the books — GUESS what ??? USA has a COUNTRY drop closed to bottom — USA take a clue from Switzerland lowest crime rate in the world — closed 19 prisons — Why would anyone support Hillary and democrat party — If the GOP would of report the facts about Obama he would never been elected — his social security number from a state he never live in or work in — his bogus birth certified — lie to Congress about other names he when by etc.– the GOP now is try everything to stop Trump the only candidate that will restore America — he is fighting both party Washington corrupt insiders — it time we past a new Amendment to the Constitution the 28 Amendment — Congress you make the rules for citizens it apply to you has well —–Foreigners that came here — accept our Believes, Values, Allegiances to improvement them selves and Love for this Nation & Freedom to defend and protect and became Americans legally Believes in God not a Muslim Ideology that Obama has try to push onto American calling it a religion ? ANYONE THAT COMES HERE IS WELCOME IF THEY accept our laws and obey those laws — Not what happen now — From 2009 invasion more than 752,000 Muslims have settle here and most are on welfare type of folks already here can anyone recall the Boston bombing — Had a Muslim friend that had converted to Christianity explain the Koran to me – he -broken down into 3 phases goal is World$#%&!@* 1. It is acceptable to lie and deceive all Non Muslims — maybe that why Obama is such a liar –2. Install and enforce the Shari law punish anyone that does not comply 3 – He said the Koran is written by one man that took a 9 year old as one of his many wives he did murder millions of Christians, Jews and infidels the first part of the Koran is peace much like the Christian Bible — HOWEVER – the 2nd part is violence , murder kill the Jew, Non Muslims, and Infidel or anyone that oppose the Koran — GET THIS 2ND PART TRUMP THE FIRST PART — this is the ideology that is refer in the Bible —History has shown that less than 10% of the population in Germany were$#%&!@*but the violence can push forward a hidden agenda..