Saudi Prince Abou Lbarae Kahtani is a pedophile and still they throw a party to celebrate his sick depravity that is upheld and encouraged by his religion. An innocent adorable girl of six, named Hind Nawaf was forced to marry the 51 year old Saudi Prince. Her life, which has no value except as property and a piece of flesh to rape, will never be the same.
Not long ago, ISIS had a pamphlet that explained what was acceptable for sex-slaves that had captured. One statement that demonstrates that this forced marriage of a child is not unique is found in the pamphlet. It said that, “It is permissible to have intercourse with the female slave who hasn’t reached puberty if she is fit for intercourse; however if she is not fit for intercourse, then it is enough to enjoy her without intercourse,”
The following page has the video about Prince Pedophile and his child bride.
and FYI.. things like this are outlawed even it muslim countries…. it’s outlawed here.. and guess what? so called “christians’ have been known to do the exact same thing….
What Christian Denominations in Australia have ever themselves enabled or even been used as authority for individual Christians to force pre-pubescent children to marry adults, 50 something years old or younger?
Yes…and they are vile as well and should pay for it
I mean look at it this way.. we just had a horrible school shooting… if I was to make a f**e picture and f**e story about how some school in washington DC was attacked and dozens of kids were killed.. would you be upset at the fact that I made up that story just to get people more riled up about guns? I’m 100% sure you would…. so why aren’t you upset over the fact that this is doing the exact same thing? Doing nothing but spreading ignorance, hatred, racism, and violence
Even if this picture untrue does not mean these freaks aren’t doing this 1000’s of Times a year in their countries and when they come here they’re still doing it just not getting caught. These people are sick because they’ve grown up being told this c**p that it’s ok their whole life from th Quran and that it why they will follow because its what they want to believe. They all need to go back to their own countries and work from there to change this BS from spreading to the US.
Mr. Brooks…I am not spreading anything…these are facts and as soon as you get that…you would understand. Facts are facts and nobody is spreading violence except those that participate in the violence. Alls we said is it is disgusting thats all. So get your facts straight and see the perpatrators for who they are
Look our world is full of evil!! All it takes is for people to stand by and say nothing or do nothing. I am sick of people saying it doesn’t happen or it is f**e. I know from reading God’s word the bad things are happing, and the world will not get better unless people wake up and stop being blind and deaf! We need people with backbones to stand up and say enough is enough! And repent and pray for God to change mans hearts and minds.
This happens ALL THE TIME! This may b f**e, but the scenario is VERY REAL and goes on EVERDAY over there. Don’t believe me, do ur homework on IsIs and their Islamic beliefs n see for yourselves.
It maybe outlawed an this article is about 5 years old. But don’t think for a minute that children are not being forced into marriages such as these. There is genital mutilation that is so called cultural so these practices are rarely challenged. But theses atrocities against young girls happen daily.
Trump’s pals, the Saudis, have NO MINIMUM AGE for marriage, unique among Muslim countries, where most have 18 as the age of consent.
F**e as f**k… There is no such prince first of all… Members of the royal family are Al Saud, not Al qahtani.. And there is no such story anywhere else apart from this cooked up article.. Though, I don’t deny that such incidents do happen in the world, however this article is a total sham and nothing but fiction.
The racial contrast is interesting. As we know from our past it’s the Euro mind that wants to make the Negroid male appear as a beast especially when it comes to sexual exploits. The movie King Kong from 1933 oozed of blatant racial stereo archetypes. In reality it’s the Euro types that have shown this behaviour over and above the Negroid types. Even now white missionaries, military personnel, political figures and others that call themselves on on ‘child sex tours’, to Haiti, Africa and Asia abusing children to satisfy their depraved desires. I’m suspicious of this story and photo.