Two-years-olds disguised as college students at Missouri are throwing heartless temper tantrums because the eyes of the world have shifted off of them an onto those who are truly suffering.
Paris has stolen the activists’ thunder and they cannot see past their infantile self absorption. Amazingly, they sent out these tweets immediately after the attacks.
This is what a generation of entitlement and victimization looks like. This is what the liberal’s sponsor: a generation that is self-absorbed and demanding as carved out by the left.
On the next page one can read the tweets of these kids suffering from what appears to be empathy deficient disorder.
It’s not fair, they are terrorists, too! Lol Get a life people!!!
how foolish and mindless can you be????
One only has to follow the scent of money and it will lead you straight to Soros. His hands are all over this.
They are trash!
Hell, a Hertz TV commercial will interrupt and upset these ignorant idiots…..grow up and claim some kind of responsibility.
That would make them terrorists just like ISIS
Get over yourselves students you are NOT the center of the universe
Aww… Poor little uneducated morons