Roman Catholic schools in the UK provoked outrage when they announced that they would not teach students about Islam in religious studies courses, opting instead to make lesson plans revolving around Judaism.
This move was brought about by recent changes in the British educational system which mandated that schools must teach about two religions as opposed to one, although it is up to individual schools to determine which two they would cover in classes.
These reforms were necessitated by a recent attempt to indoctrinate Muslim students in Birmingham with radical teachings, convincing educators of the need to combat religious fundamentalism in schools.
Keep reading to see how religious leaders reacted to the Catholic schools’ decision:
The Pope says it, so it must be true. Join Islam all Catholics
they don’t have to you pieces of s**t
Oh well stupid
Catholics don’t need to explain why they will never teach about about a mortal enemy!
Never gonna happen, no reason for our children to know your culture or religion. Hopefully the vast majority will be removed from our Country.
Wonder if they will be teaching about Christianity in the madrases.
many schools in the US are making their students learn about Islam
Joyce Young Pogue I meant my original post sarcastically and because I thought it was true. But, sadly I’m finding the aclu is not challenging this, and apparently neither are parents.